Over the Hill Backwards - I'll be alright ----- My blog about me and my family.
John would you like a cup of Java (Swedish roast)?
If you work for Sun Microsystems the name John Gage should not come as a surprise. If you visited JavaOne in San Francisco he should be a familiar face. If you have seen or had the fortune to hear him then you understand why I admire him. This guy can talk to anybody from kids to heads of state.
John Gage is in town (I checked his online calendar) be in town this week for the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2008). I have found that there is a connection between John and Malaysia.
From John's hompage you find "Gage has served on International Board of Advisors for the Multimedia Super Corridor project of Malaysia (MSC)".
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad a friend of John's?
Read what Wired wrote about John in December 1998.
"The phone rings again. It's Gage's secretary - his "admin," in Sun speak - relaying a message. Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad wants another meeting of his special advisory group on building a best-in-the-world national information infrastructure. Next week. Gage tells the admin to book the ticket: round-trip San Francisco to Kuala Lumpur, one night in a hotel, then straight back."
So John, I would love to serve you a cup of Java and to hear about your current projects. If you have the time please stop by Mont Kiara Aman.
You are Welcome!! /JD
Vesak Day -- Happy Birthday Buddha!!!
Happy Birthday Buddha!! This day is a public holiday and is called Vesak Day.
It is not only about Buddha's birthday it also encompasses the birth, enlightenment and the passing of Gautama Buddha. For more info see Wikipedia.
Google Translate now "talks" Swedish
Sweden is a large country if you compare it with the number of people living there (~9 million people), so I must say I am pleased that Google Research took their time and effort to make Swedish one of the "Google Translate" languages.
I tried it on my own blog and it was OK, especially if you compare it to some translations between Chinese and English which makes you "lol".
I have added the Google Translate button on the side of this blog. Try it out!!
ps. Swedes live on the average to be 81 years old (I have 31 more years to go)
Swedish Rice Porridge made the Asian way!
Risgrynsgröt (eng. Rise Porridge, Rise Congee, Rice Pudding) is something Andrew loves to get for Breakfast. It is also the only porridge that I like. The recipe below together with our new Fuzzy Control Rice Cooker Hitachi RZ-CM18Y.
"Fuzzy logic technology, which allows the rice cooker to 'think' for itself and make fine adjustments to temperature and heating time to cook perfect rice every time." (quote from Zojirushi)
3 Cups | Japanese Rice! | Nishiki | |
4 Cups | Water | ||
14 Cups | Milk | buy 3 l | |
½-1 teaspoon | Salt | ||
Cooking time | ~ 1 hour | ||
1 Cup = 200ml |
How To Do
You should buy Japanese rice, Nishiki is a good choice. We use low fat milk but it is a matter of what you have at home. Please note that you need to have approximately three liters of milk for this recipe. Clean the rice in a sieve and put all the ingredients into the rice cooker. Turn the machine on and wait for about one hour.
When done open the rice cooker and stir with a plastic or wooden spoon. It is now ready to be served.
You can save the porridge in the fridge or the freezer for later use. Take the amount that you need and put it in the microwave for a minute or two and your ready to eat. It can not be more simple!!
No burned porridge (Andrew calls it "bottennapp").
You can not fail!!
How to eat Swedish Rice Porridge.
The porridge should be served hot! Cinnamon and sugar is needed on the table when you eat Swedish Risgrynsgröt. Ann likes some cold milk with her porridge. I like my porridge the same way my grandfather (MorFar Otto) liked it, no milk and a nugget of butter or margarine.
The recipe is an adaptation from a porridge recipe that we found in The Ultimate Rice Cooker book at Google books.
If you are interested in our rice cooker, then check out this pdf document.
An evening boat trip. Thanks to Ankii!!!