
Boys in School -- ISKL

IMG_1224 After about 1½ month the boys started school. International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL). is the first international school in Kuala Lumpur that follows the US curriculum. More information can also be found in Wikipedia.

Christoffer (Chris) started grade 9 in High School and Andrew started grade 6 in Middle School.

It has been some things getting used to.

  1. Change of classrooms. Both Chris and Andrew went to a small School in Sweden. Andrew ask´s why can´t the teachers change classroom they are fewer than we (the kids) are.
  2. School uniform. You can see the uniforms that the School have by looking at the pictures below of Andrew and Chris. The blue shirt is more common than the white.
  3. School bus. The buses here have the same color as the US buses but most of them look have a newer design than the old Army buses they use in the States. The boys have to leave home at 7am and it takes the bus about 30-40 minutes to get to ISKL.
  4. Canteen. In Sweden all the lunches are free. Here there is a chose of things to eat, both healthy and unhealthy food.
  5. After School Activities. Andrew has signed up for choir and Chris is still thinking what to sign up for.
  6. The Panther is the mascot. The School colors are blue and yellow (the teams look like the Swedish National teams :-) )


Here are some pictures from the outside Canteen.

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If you are interested in what is happening at the School then you should read the Friday Flash. If you like to view a presentation of the High School then it is here or for Middle School then it is here.

Below is the soccer field and the swimming pool.

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They also have tennis court and a basketball court and other facilities.

I have never felt more WELCOME visiting any school!!!! We feel this is the School we would like to recommend if you are about to move to Kuala Lumpur.